Backlinks are significant in SEO. They help search engines understand your website’s value and relevance to the keyword you’re aiming to rank for. They also improve your domain authority, which in turn increases your chances of ranking well in the search engine results page (SERP). A backlink is a link from one website to another, and it’s considered “back” because it points back towards the source site. In other words, if you have a link on your blog post pointing to another blog post on someone else’s website, that would be considered a backlink. It’s important that these links are relevant to both websites so that search engines can see how they’re related and use them as part of their ranking algorithm. The higher you rank in SERP results pages, the more likely visitors will click on your content rather than someone else’s! And if those clicks lead to purchases or signups -- then it's money well spent! So read on to learn; https://www....
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